home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** Interface Editor expanders definitions.
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1996 Simone Tellini
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef IEDIT_IEDIT_H
- #include "DEV_IE:Include/IEditor.h"
- #endif
- #include "DEV_IE:Include/generatorlib.h"
- #endif
- /*********************
- ** ExpanderBase **
- *********************/
- struct Expander {
- struct Library Lib;
- struct Node Node; /* node displayed in the Add */
- /* Gadget list */
- UBYTE Kind; /* Kind of expander. See below */
- UBYTE Resizable; /* can this object be resized? */
- UBYTE Movable; /* can we be moved? */
- UBYTE HasItems; /* has items (like MX_KIND)? */
- UBYTE UseFonts; /* we use a font? */
- UBYTE Reserved; /* for future use */
- UWORD Width; /* fixed size. Used when */
- UWORD Height; /* Resizable = FALSE; */
- };
- /*************************
- ** Expander Kinds **
- *************************/
- #define IEX_OBJECT_KIND 0 /* we add objects */
- #define IEX_ATTRIBUTE_KIND 1 /* doesn't add objects, just attributes*/
- #define IEX_AREXX_KIND 2 /* adds just ARexx commands */
- #define IEX_BOOPSI_KIND 3 /* adds BOOPSI objects */
- /************************
- ** BOOPSI Expanders **
- ************************/
- struct BOOPSIExp {
- struct Expander IEX;
- struct MinList Tags; /* list of BOOPSITag items */
- UBYTE BOOPSIType; /* see below */
- };
- /* BOOPSI type */
- #define BT_GADGET 0
- #define BT_IMAGE 1
- struct BOOPSITag {
- struct BOOPSITag *Succ;
- struct BOOPSITag *Pred;
- UBYTE Type; /* see below */
- UBYTE Reserved; /* *** DON'T TOUCH !!! *** */
- STRPTR Name; /* ti_Tag name */
- ULONG Value; /* ti_Tag value */
- struct MinList Items; /* possible values for this tag */
- };
- /* Tag types */
- #define TT_BYTE 0
- #define TT_WORD 1
- #define TT_LONG 2
- #define TT_BYTE_PTR 3 /* ptr to byte or to array of bytes */
- #define TT_WORD_PTR 4
- #define TT_LONG_PTR 5
- #define TT_STRING 6
- #define TT_STRING_ARRAY 7
- #define TT_STRING_LIST 8
- #define TT_BOOL 9
- #define TT_CHOOSE 10 /* choose the value from the list */
- #define TT_OBJECT 11 /* pointer to another BOOPSI object */
- #define TT_USER_STRUCT 12 /* pointer to an user structure */
- #define TT_SCREEN 13 /* pointer to the screen used */
- /************************
- ** Objects structure **
- ************************/
- /*
- This is the standard object structure. If your object should appear
- as any other IE gadget, then it MUST use a structure whose fields
- match these. Anyway, if your object has set Resizable = FALSE,
- Movable = FALSE and HasItems = FALSE, you can change the structure
- as you want, provided that the first three fields (o_Node, o_Kind,
- o_Flags) aren't taken away, otherwise IE could wonder what sort of
- object it has found in its list... ;-)
- NOTE WELL: the o_Node.ln_Type field is NOT to be touched by the
- expander!
- */
- struct ObjectInfo {
- struct Node o_Node;
- UWORD o_Kind; /* fill with the ID passed by IE */
- UBYTE o_Flags; /* used by IE */
- /* you can only check the G_ATTIVO */
- /* bit (means that this object is */
- /* selected) */
- UBYTE o_Key; /* if you're object has a selection */
- /* key you must put it here and */
- /* increment the wi_NumKeys field */
- /* of the gadget's window info */
- struct TxtAttrNode *o_Font; /* if your object supports fonts*/
- /* here you'll find a ptr to a */
- /* TxtAttrNode structure when the */
- /* user selects Gadgets/Font... */
- UBYTE o_Title[80]; /* title */
- UBYTE o_Label[40]; /* label */
- APTR o_User1; /* use it as you like */
- WORD o_Left; /* this fields are updated by IE if */
- WORD o_Top; /* your object is resizable/movable */
- UWORD o_Width;
- UWORD o_Height;
- APTR o_User2; /* all these fields are for your */
- APTR o_User3; /* use. If your object doesn't have */
- WORD o_User4; /* items (HasItems = FALSE) and you */
- APTR o_User5; /* don't need these fields, then */
- APTR o_User6; /* allocate a shorter structure ;-) */
- APTR o_User7; /* But if you're object has items, */
- APTR o_User8; /* you'll have to allocate them even*/
- APTR o_User9; /* if it's just a waste of memory, */
- ULONG o_User10[7]; /* for compatibility... :-| */
- UWORD o_NumItems; /* num items if HasItems = TRUE */
- struct MinList o_Items; /* item list */
- };
- /******************
- ** Descriptors **
- ******************/
- struct Descriptor {
- UBYTE Key; /* character following '%' */
- STRPTR Meaning; /* the string that must be put instead of */
- /* the formatting code */
- };
- /******************
- ** Error codes **
- ******************/
- #define IEX_OK 0
- #define IEX_ERROR_NO_DESC_FILE 1 /* source descriptor file not found */
- #endif /* IEDIT_EXPANDER_H */